+380 (99) 287-65-02


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 +380 (99) 287-65-02

The Great Course of Acting Mastery

The course will give you the skills and confidence to perform confidently both on stage and in movies.

Our Classes


Screen Acting Mastery

This course focuses on developing the technical skills necessary for acting on screen. It's designed for actors who are looking to improve their ability to perform in front of the camera, as well as for individuals who are interested in exploring the world of acting in a supportive and secure environment.


Acting and Psychodrama for Life

In this course, you will acquire practical skills that can be applied to everyday life, which include the fundamentals of acting and improvisation, as well as techniques to embody your individual authenticity. You will learn methods for overcoming fears and adapting to challenging situations.


Acting and creating healthy relationships

Discover techniques that can help you counteract toxicity in all types of relationships while also learning to protect your personal boundaries and resist manipulation. In addition, you will explore methods for recovering from stress and adjusting your psychological and emotional state.


Development of sensitivity and empathy

The course goes by various names such as coaching, psychotherapy, "magic", and more. However, it is essentially a method that enables students to establish a deeper connection with the world. By tapping into 100% of life's resources, the course helps participants manifest their dreams.


The Great Course of Acting Mastery

Fundamental acting course based on Stanislavsky system. In this course, you will learn from A to Z how to act for stage and on camera with confidence and creativity. You will develop your ability to express either yourself or a character with confidence and charisma.


Body - Sound - Emotions - Self

Self-discovery using body and voice, exploring new aspects of one's personality through body awareness and its impact on emotions, and overcoming personal limitations through bodily liberation.


Confident Public Speaking

This course teaches effective techniques for public speaking, both in-person and online. You will learn how to deliver messages to listeners, articulate your thoughts clearly, capture and maintain the audience's attention, and conquer anxiety.


Directing a Short Film

We'll help you bring your creative vision to life by teaching you how to write and direct a short film, from initial concept to final cut. You'll be guided through every stage of the process, including script writing, pre-production, production, and post-production. Our goal is to assist you in realizing your creative ambitions.


Discussion Club

The club hosts discussions where you can actively participate or listen in and get answers to any topic that interests you. The topics are typically based on classic or contemporary films made by acclaimed directors from around the world.


Living Book

This book covers both personal and professional aspects of life, offering practical advice for everyday challenges that affect everyone, regardless of their occupation or lifestyle. It provides simple tips and solutions for addressing personal and creative problems.

Misha Kostrov Studio of Acting

An acting school and theater offer a unique methodology for teaching acting skills and improvisation. Students fully immerse themselves in training and rehearsals to master professional-level skills and confidently apply them in various settings. The school's mission is to teach acting skills and improvisation as a universal tool for personal and professional development. The main goal is to develop actors into independent, strong characters with unique natural talents. Since 2009, over 10,000 students have trained with the Acting Studio of Mikhail Kostrov, with many graduates successfully working in movies, TV, and theater. The school continually improves its method and fosters a creative environment that meets the highest educational standards.


Graduation projects

Scene from the movie "Point".

"Barbecue on Blood". Original work by students.

Scene from the movie "Andrei Rublev".

Scene from the movie "Sky. Plane. Girl".

Scene from the movie "Mirror".

Scene from the movie...

Play "Book of Ecclesiastes".

Play "Herbivores".

Play "Vertical Woman".

Play "Vodka. F*ck. TV".

Play "Sky".

Play "Oedipus".

Auguste's Slapstick



Total Silence

Care too Much


Classes schedule

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and the main stage

44A Peremohy Ave, Kyiv, Ukraine

+380 (99) 287 6502
