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+380 (99) 287-65-02
The course that will enable you to feel confident on set and successfully perform in movies and TV series.
Course Information
The aim of this course is to master acting techniques for film and TV series. This course is intended for actors who wish to learn how to act on camera, those who want to try themselves in the acting profession in a safe environment, and directors who want to improve their technical techniques for working with actors.The training takes place through real-time Zoom meetings, which involve viewing examples, performing tasks in pairs, completing homework, and reviewing the works of the course participants. The teacher provides feedback to each participant with specific recommendations on how to improve their acting technique.
The course is led by Misha Kostrov, an award-winning Ukrainian film director.
Course Benefits
Easy and practical to learn
The course is 100% practical, designed so that you gradually and confidently master every technical element of acting on camera.
Tested in practice
Over 10 years of the course's existence, more than 100 graduates have successfully starred in films and TV series worked on television and received recognition.
Quickly master the course
Each task will allow you to master a certain technical element of acting. After 10 weeks, you will feel confident in front of the camera.
Graduation projects
"Barbecue on Blood". Original work by students.
Scene from the movie "Point".
Scene from the movie "Andrei Rublev".
Scene from the movie "Sky. Plane. Girl".
Scene from the movie "Mirror".
A scene from the movie...
You will learn:
1. Act naturally, stylishly, and emotionally in front of the camera.2. Utilize your inner energy.3. Perform at different angles: close-up, medium shot, and wide shot.4. Use the frame to focus your energy.5. Use your unique natural qualities, just like world-class actors.6. Collaborate with fellow actors to support and help each other.7. Find expressive artistic solutions for your acting.8. Move beautifully and precisely while combining text and action.9. Play dialogues with one or multiple partners.10. Minimize the number of unsuccessful takes.11. Improvise and create a dynamic scene.12. Develop and maintain your character's arc.13. Use mise-en-scene and pacing techniques for film.14. Independently work with scripts and dramatic texts.15. Be honest with your partner, the camera, and trust yourself.16. Evaluate your work objectively like the producer, director, and editor.17. Record self-rehearsals and confidently audition for roles.
Program Schedule
Schedule for November-December 2022 and January-February 2023.
10 грудня
19:00 — 21:00 Kyiv (GMT+3)
Lesson 1: Introduction to the Art and Technique of Screen Acting, including the use of physical and emotional memory, and maintaining continuity in performance. Exploring the principles of tempo and rhythm in acting. Completing the first video assignments for self-practice.
Misha Kostrov
10 грудня
19:00 — 21:00 Kyiv (GMT+3)
Lesson 1: Introduction to the Art and Technique of Screen Acting, including the use of physical and emotional memory, and maintaining continuity in performance. Exploring the principles of tempo and rhythm in acting. Completing the first video assignments for self-practice.
Misha Kostrov
17 грудня
19:00 — 21:00 Kyiv (GMT+3)
Lesson 2: Exploring individual performance in medium shots. Managing personal comfort and energy levels for effective acting. Developing skills for eyeline matching. Techniques for creating a convincing character. Completing the second video assignments for self-practice.
Misha Kostrov
17 грудня
19:00 — 21:00 Kyiv (GMT+3)
Lesson 2: Exploring individual performance in medium shots. Managing personal comfort and energy levels for effective acting. Developing skills for eyeline matching. Techniques for creating a convincing character. Completing the second video assignments for self-practice.
Misha Kostrov
24 грудня
19:00 — 21:00 Kyiv (GMT+3)
Заняття 3Перегляд відеозавдань. Зворотній зв'язок.Поєднання тексту та фізичної дії у кадрі.Створення персонажа за допомогою фізичних дій.Відеозавдання для самостійної роботи.Lesson 3: Review of video assignments. Feedback. Combining text and physical action in the frame. Creating a character through physical action. Video assignments for self-study.
Misha Kostrov
24 грудня
19:00 — 21:00 Kyiv (GMT+3)
Заняття 3Перегляд відеозавдань. Зворотній зв'язок.Поєднання тексту та фізичної дії у кадрі.Створення персонажа за допомогою фізичних дій.Відеозавдання для самостійної роботи.Lesson 3: Review of video assignments. Feedback. Combining text and physical action in the frame. Creating a character through physical action. Video assignments for self-study.
Misha Kostrov
14 січня
19:00 — 21:00 Kyiv (GMT+3)
Заняття 4Перегляд відеозавдань. Зворотній зв'язок.Голосові інструменти.Поєднання звуку та дії.Створення персонажа за допомогою голосу.Відеозавдання для самостійної роботи.Lesson 4: Review of video assignments. Feedback. Vocal instruments. Combining sound and action. Creating a character through voice. Video assignments for self-study.
Misha Kostrov
14 січня
19:00 — 21:00 Kyiv (GMT+3)
Заняття 4Перегляд відеозавдань. Зворотній зв'язок.Голосові інструменти.Поєднання звуку та дії.Створення персонажа за допомогою голосу.Відеозавдання для самостійної роботи.Lesson 4: Review of video assignments. Feedback. Vocal instruments. Combining sound and action. Creating a character through voice. Video assignments for self-study.
Misha Kostrov
21 січня
19:00 — 21:00 Kyiv (GMT+3)
Заняття 5Перегляд відеозавдань. Зворотній зв'язок.Діалог та його види в кіномистецтві.Особливості акторського виконання в залежності від варіанта зйомки діалогу.Техніка формування персонажа за допомогою діалога.Відеозавдання для самостійної роботи.Lesson 5: Review of video assignments. Feedback. Dialogue and its types in cinema. Features of acting performance depending on the variant of dialogue shooting. Technique for creating a character through dialogue. Video assignments for self-study.
Misha Kostrov
21 січня
19:00 — 21:00 Kyiv (GMT+3)
Заняття 5Перегляд відеозавдань. Зворотній зв'язок.Діалог та його види в кіномистецтві.Особливості акторського виконання в залежності від варіанта зйомки діалогу.Техніка формування персонажа за допомогою діалога.Відеозавдання для самостійної роботи.Lesson 5: Review of video assignments. Feedback. Dialogue and its types in cinema. Features of acting performance depending on the variant of dialogue shooting. Technique for creating a character through dialogue. Video assignments for self-study.
Misha Kostrov
28 січня
19:00 — 21:00 Kyiv (GMT+3)
Заняття 6Перегляд відеозавдань. Зворотній зв'язок.Робота з дією першого та другого плану.Техніка акторської гри у сценах, які мають понад дві дійові особи.Відеозавдання для самостійної роботи.Lesson 6: Review of video assignments. Feedback. Working with the action of the foreground and background. Acting technique in scenes with more than two characters. Video assignments for self-study.
Misha Kostrov
28 січня
19:00 — 21:00 Kyiv (GMT+3)
Заняття 6Перегляд відеозавдань. Зворотній зв'язок.Робота з дією першого та другого плану.Техніка акторської гри у сценах, які мають понад дві дійові особи.Відеозавдання для самостійної роботи.Lesson 6: Review of video assignments. Feedback. Working with the action of the foreground and background. Acting technique in scenes with more than two characters. Video assignments for self-study.
Misha Kostrov
4 лютого
19:00 — 21:00 Kyiv (GMT+3)
Заняття 7Перегляд відеозавдань. Зворотній зв'язок.Монолог, його зміст та техніка виконання в кіно.Відеозавдання для самостійної роботи.Lesson 7: Review of video assignments. Feedback. Monologue, its content, and technique of execution in cinema. Video assignments for self-study.
Misha Kostrov
4 лютого
19:00 — 21:00 Kyiv (GMT+3)
Заняття 7Перегляд відеозавдань. Зворотній зв'язок.Монолог, його зміст та техніка виконання в кіно.Відеозавдання для самостійної роботи.Lesson 7: Review of video assignments. Feedback. Monologue, its content, and technique of execution in cinema. Video assignments for self-study.
Misha Kostrov
11 лютого
19:00 — 21:00 Kyiv (GMT+3)
Заняття 8Перегляд відеозавдань. Зворотній зв'язок.Крупний план, його види та сенс у кінематографі.Кращі акторські техніки крупним планом.Відеозавдання для самостійної роботи.Lesson 8: Review of video assignments. Feedback. Close-up, its types, and meaning in cinematography. Best acting techniques for close-up. Video assignments for self-study.
Misha Kostrov
11 лютого
19:00 — 21:00 Kyiv (GMT+3)
Заняття 8Перегляд відеозавдань. Зворотній зв'язок.Крупний план, його види та сенс у кінематографі.Кращі акторські техніки крупним планом.Відеозавдання для самостійної роботи.Lesson 8: Review of video assignments. Feedback. Close-up, its types, and meaning in cinematography. Best acting techniques for close-up. Video assignments for self-study.
Misha Kostrov
18 лютого
19:00 — 21:00 Kyiv (GMT+3)
Заняття 9Перегляд відеозавдань. Зворотній зв'язок.Вибір матеріалу для курсової роботи.Правила підготовки до зйомки.Відеозавдання для курсової роботи.Lesson 9: Review of video assignments. Feedback. Choosing material for course work. Preparation rules for shooting. Video assignments for course work.
Misha Kostrov
18 лютого
19:00 — 21:00 Kyiv (GMT+3)
Заняття 9Перегляд відеозавдань. Зворотній зв'язок.Вибір матеріалу для курсової роботи.Правила підготовки до зйомки.Відеозавдання для курсової роботи.Lesson 9: Review of video assignments. Feedback. Choosing material for course work. Preparation rules for shooting. Video assignments for course work.
Misha Kostrov
25 лютого
19:00 — 21:00 Kyiv (GMT+3)
Заняття 10Акторський кейс.Самопроби та кастинг.Акторський менеджмент. Lesson 10: Acting case. Self-practice and casting. Acting management.
Olena Kurta
25 лютого
19:00 — 21:00 Kyiv (GMT+3)
Заняття 10Акторський кейс.Самопроби та кастинг.Акторський менеджмент. Lesson 10: Acting case. Self-practice and casting. Acting management.
Olena Kurta
4 березня
19:00 — 21:00 Kyiv (GMT+3)
Заняття 11Перегляд курсових робіт. Зворотній зв'язок.Питання та відповіді.Видача сертифікатів.Session 11: Review of course works. Questions and answers. Certificate issuance.
Misha Kostrov
4 березня
19:00 — 21:00 Kyiv (GMT+3)
Заняття 11Перегляд курсових робіт. Зворотній зв'язок.Питання та відповіді.Видача сертифікатів.Session 11: Review of course works. Questions and answers. Certificate issuance.
Misha Kostrov
Misha Kostrov
Film Director and acting teacher
Olena Kurta
Theatre and film actress, acting coach, psychologist, and co-founder of the NGO "Ukrainian Creative Guild."
Study discount
A considerable portion of the course fee you pay will be donated to charity. You have the option to receive a discount by directly transferring funds to either NPO "Blessed Hope" BF or NPO “Svoyi” and providing us with confirmation. Detailed information can be found on the respective fund pages. Thank you for your support! #StandWithUkraine
For those who have donated 300 UAH to the charity fund prior to the class
1500 UAH.
per lesson
For those who have not made any donations to charity funds.
2500 uah.
per lesson
Please fill out the form. We will call you to answer all questions and complete the registration :)
Frequently asked questions
Is acting experience necessary in order to take part in the course
Will there be any filming involved during the course?
Throughout the course, students independently work on video assignments related to the topic they are studying. They receive feedback from the instructor during screenings and classes, allowing them to improve their skills. At the end, they collaborate with the instructor or their assistant to create a final diploma project.
Darina Dorogan
On this course, I fell in love with the craft and discovered the magic of filmmaking. This course inspired me to be more creative because it allowed me to come up with and bring to life my own stories, while under the guidance of Mishka Kostrov who helped me analyze, revise and perfect them. I believe this course would be valuable not only for actors or those who aspire to be actors, but also for future cinematographers, screenwriters and directors, as Mishka explains the actor's role in cinema with both theory and practical examples from his students' work and scenes from world cinema. This course had so much energy and passion for cinema that it left me wanting more. And of course, I am now actively applying all this knowledge in my work. Even after several years, this course remains one of my favourites.
Evgeniya Bilinok
Friends, I also read reviews to decide whether to take this course or not, and I made the right decision for myself! So if you are reading reviews and wondering if this course is for you, I say - it is! In a condensed timeframe, you will receive key knowledge for performing in front of the camera, how to be natural, organic, and not lie to the camera. Everything is clear, concise, and on-topic. As a pro, Misha provides only the necessary information. Be prepared for practical assignments, there will be many of them. But the real thrill will come from the process of completing them. The key is to learn from your own mistakes. So don't be lazy to do your homework. You will receive quality professional feedback on each assignment. Misha, thank you for sharing your knowledge!
Sancho Halinskyi
Regarding all the insights, life changes, etc. - it all passed me by. Maybe because I didn't come for that. The most important thing I got from the course is the feedback on the material filmed and the answers to the questions asked. It is not so valued when you filmed "on the fly" - then you received comments that you could come up with yourself. Similarly, when I asked a not very well thought-out question, I received an answer that I could have come up with myself or asked my classmates. It's different when the homework was carefully done: then the comments are not like "no grade", "no tempo" etc., but the details and nuances that are not even noticed at first glance are found and analyzed. It was worth going to the course for these details and nuances.
Ivan Antonov
I've been thinking a lot about what to write and how to describe how the film course influenced me and what role it played for me personally. I think it's like this: I've never had such an opportunity, such a field for freedom of action, thought, ideas, and their implementation as I did on the course. The course is definitely about a journey into another world. It's definitely about traveling within yourself. For me, it's definitely about the brightest journey. Yes, this world is complex - it has its own laws, restrictions, technical tricks, and dogmas. It's hard to even call it a film world because Misha gives us so much more than that. It's much broader. After the course, I wondered if I could unfold myself like this on some other course or in another country for studies - I don't know. One thing I know for sure is that I asked Misha a question - (what should I do if my fantasies about completing tasks in my head are sometimes complex and possibly beyond social norms) to which he answered - do everything that arises in you, we'll find your niche. This answer is invaluable - I know from my own experience. This course is more than it seems if you're ready to receive. Thank you, Misha! This will stay with me forever.
Timur Kuddusov
The course is intense, powerful, and informative, and upon completion, you will transform from a simple movie lover into a movie researcher. There is a lot of practice and independent work involved, as well as meticulous effort, retakes, moments of enlightenment, and enjoyment of the filming process. This course is for you if you love movies, want to better understand them, learn how to behave naturally in front of the camera, make friends with like-minded people and other talented individuals. Thank you, Misha! Course: Summer 2019.
Dasha Tvoronovich
I don't know if anyone suspects this, but Misha teaches a completely European, technically correct, and universal methodology for everyone's acting. You can spend a lot of money on a Chubbuck masterclass or attend various intensives; any knowledge is wonderful. But the Acting Workshop program is a very structured, precise, and effective methodology for how to feel/be/act in front of the camera. I was lucky to work on international projects, and my process is comfortable. I don't feel like I'm doing anything wrong or against my instincts. I rely on 80% of the knowledge base of this course. It's a cool class. If you really burn with passion and love for this craft (even if you don't), don't come up with excuses. Go to the course. Cut!
Vlad Yaremov
I got more than I expected: I intended to gain knowledge of acting for the camera - but in the end, in addition to that, I gained knowledge of many subtleties of filmmaking :) This course enlightens, teaches, and sets you on the right and necessary path :) It's useful and enjoyable at the same time. Huge thanks to all the teachers and the course team for the opportunity to grow and become better!! :)
Sofia Sigidova
Very cool and incredibly useful. What I really liked is that the information provided is factual and specific, rather than relying on subjective feelings like "you should feel something there." In addition to everything else, the course gives an understanding of where to go next and what to do with it all :) I'm a million times glad I went for it and give it endless likes.
Lana Shevchuk
Amazing three months!!! It's not often you come across such dedication and feedback from teachers. Plus, there's no shortage of practice along with the theory. Thank you))
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