+380 (99) 287-65-02


Charity Funds We Trust:

Summer Intensive "The Acting Workshop of Life"

Acting practices that can enhance your quality of life. A foundation in acting for adults who wish to become more self-aware, expressive, communicative, and sensitive.
This intensive has ended. If you wish to join the next one, please register, and we'll notify you about the new dates.

General Information:

Location: 16/4 Verkhnij Val Str., third floor, door to the leftSchedule: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM, 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM (classes run from 11:00 AM to 4:30 PM with a half-hour break)
Class Dates:27.07.2024 (Saturday)28.07.2024 (Sunday)03.08.2024 (Saturday)04.08.2024 (Sunday)
Group: 10-16 participants
Cost: 5650 UAH
For deeper engagement with the practices, a shared chat space will be created—an online forum that will remain active until 07.08.2024. Here, participants will receive tasks to maintain focus on specific topics and have the opportunity to stay in touch with the instructors outside of offline sessions.


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    Volodymyr LIKUTIN

    Actor, Physicist, Entrepreneur
    - Actor at TOTEATR, the "Black Square" Theater, and various other projects and productions
    - Creator and owner of the Telegram project "Kyiv Theatrical"
    - Graduate of the "Black Square" acting school, and Misha Kostrov Studio Of Acting
    - Trained under masters: Ariane Mnouchkine (France), Stamatis Efstathiou (Greece), Olenka Vakhramieieva, Misha Kostrov, Lena Lazovych (Ukraine)
    A person who truly understands how to step out of the comfort zone and enjoy the growth that follows. In this instructor’s field, you'll rediscover your playful side.

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    Yulia IAKOVENKO (Pulia) 

    Actress, Volunteer, Deputy Head of the "Blaga Nadiya" Charity Foundation, Founder of "Oasis Yoga Studio"
    - Actress at TOTEATR- Acting instructor at the Misha Kostrov Studio Of Acting- Graduate of the Misha Kostrov Studio Of Acting and the "Black Square" studio school- Trained under masters: Stamatis Efstathiou (Greece), Olenka Vakhramieieva, Misha Kostrov, Serhii Kovalevych (Ukraine)- Host of retreats and guided tours (Ukraine, India, Albania, Turkey, Egypt, Slovakia)
    Warm, demanding, and powerful. In her presence, you'll encounter your own honesty, strength, and truth.

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    Actress, Foreign Languages Teacher
    - Actress at TOTEATR and "Black Square" Theater- Acting instructor at the Misha Kostrov Studio Of ActingGraduate of the "Black Square" studio school and projects at the Misha Kostrov Studio Of ActingTrained under masters: Ariane Mnouchkine (France), Stamatis Efstathiou (Greece), Olenka Vakhramieieva, Misha Kostrov, Serhii Kovalevych (Ukraine)
    A person who skillfully blends a relaxed atmosphere with a well-structured approach to classes. In her field, you’ll receive attention and a gentle, encouraging nudge.

Course Programme

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27.07.2024, 11:00

The First Session of the Summer Course: "CONTACT"
Contact is something that a human being is born from. There can be contact with oneself, with silence, with a partner, or with a place. Contact can be made through eyesight, touch, sound, breath—even across walls and distances. Do actors need contact to create a scene? Do we need to know how to create and maintain contact in life? The answers are clear, but can we, while listening to others, avoid losing ourselves—and vice versa?

You will leave this session filled with energy and joy. You’ll discover new facets of yourself with which you can reach out to others. Expect lots of practice and a deep, mindful connection. You’ll try to maintain contact with the entire group at once and individually with each participant, experiencing the value and richness of sight and touch. We will create a highly supportive space for the expression of your sensitivity.

And you know what? You'll absolutely love yourself and the world! Come and enjoy :)

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28.07.2024, 11:00

The Second Session of the Summer Intensive: "ATTENTION"
Attention is a vast topic. With our attention, we touch everything we have around us: work, loved ones, daily routines, and ourselves.

The way we direct our attention, our energy flows :)
But what if we could spread our attention over more things? Then we would have more energy. And indeed, it’s true—because attention can be developed. That’s exactly what we’ll work on!
We will learn to:
👉 Develop our attention
👉 Use our attention consciously as a key to perceiving and interacting with others
👉 Notice others’ movements and impulses to express ourselves

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03.08.2024, 11:00

The Third Session of the Course: "EXPRESSION"
We can do more than we think.
What holds us back is not a lack of skills but... ourselves.
We just don’t allow ourselves to be bright and expressive.Each of us has probably encountered this in life: home alone, you're cheerful, singing in the shower, but then suddenly, you're on stage in front of a microphone, or you're asked to give a short speech, or you meet someone new, or you need to assert your position at work or a parent meeting. Suddenly, you become small, constrained, quiet, muttering some nonsense to yourself that you later regret.
Why? Because that’s just the way it is? No...Because it's embarrassing to stand out. Because it’s scary to stand out, "What will people think of me?"
Where do these thoughts come from? Society, parents, teachers, elderly women in the trolleybus who shushed us...
And what will we do? We'll teach you to give yourself permission to express. This will be a set of tools that can deliver significant practical results!

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04.08.2024, 11:00

The Fourth Session of the Course: "GAMEPLAY"
What is the difference between adults at a bus stop and children on a playground? It’s the freedom to play. And... that’s it!
This is a continuation of the theme of "Expression," as finding the child within and allowing oneself to play is a unique and significant challenge. And it's a fun one!It’s no coincidence that we use the term "acting play." Actors "play" in films and plays, not "work.""I can’t do that..." you might say. And we won’t believe you. We are sure you can. You weren't born grown-ups—you might have just forgotten how to be a child.
You’ll find a fun, revealing, and safe environment. Exciting exercises and activities. A return to the world of free imagination and fantasy. Everything you need to become a child again, eager and able to play!
And it will be the final session of the course, where you can use everything you’ve learned, consolidate it, and take it with you into life!


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Kyiv Office

and home stage

16/4 Verkhnii Val Str.

+380 (99) 287 6502
