+380 (99) 287-65-02


Charity Funds We Trust:

Sensorica 3:0

Connection with Consciousness and Subconsciousness. Connection with the Outside World and Common Sense. Finding New Meanings in Life.

General Information

The course will teach you to manage your feelings, thoughts, and actions. Its aim is to provide you with knowledge and skills that will help you achieve any goal.
This course is often called coaching, psychotherapeutic, magical, and so on, but overall—it is a method that allows students to reach a new level of connection with the World and fulfill their dreams.
During the sessions, you will receive a comprehensive system of tools that will allow you to harness your hidden resources and manage the events happening with you.

Course Overview in Facts & Figures

The course is conducted online, allowing you to participate from anywhere in the world. Each student receives individual feedback and personalized assignments to develop their skills.

You can join the course with a personal goal and the motivation to achieve it. In this way, each assignment will help build skills that work toward your specific result.

Upon request, you can schedule individual consultations with the instructor or join small group sessions if you need to delve deeper into a particular topic.

The course is practical and consists of 32 sessions, each lasting from 2 to 3 hours. During each session, you will perform exercises and receive homework assignments to refine your skills.

90+ hours of practice

Outside of sessions, you can ask the instructor questions in the group chat. We use closed groups to support students, engage in discussions, and address questions that arise during homework.

8months of interaction with the group and instructor

The course is constantly updated to meet modern challenges, and this is already the 3rd version. Over 7 years, more than 100 students have completed the course and achieved success.

7years of successful work 

You will learn:

1. Adjust your perceptions and thoughts.
2. Identify and eliminate destructive "programs" in your mind.
3. Become aware of yourself, your purpose, and your role in the world.
4. Live in the "here and now" and shape the future through the present moment.
5. Be consistent and effective in your thoughts and actions.
6. Develop using the resources of your subconscious.
7. Take responsibility for your life.
8. Use your mistakes and failures as valuable resources for progress.
9. Maximize the potential of the world around you.
10. Achieve your goals and fulfill your dreams.

...and many other valuable skills related to thinking, empathy, common sense, and the discovery of new meanings.

Selected Course Topics:

1. Consciousness and Subconsciousness. Inner conflict. Conditions required for safe existence.2. Failures and traumas as the gold fund of our being.3, Us and the outside world. Developing a connection with the environment.4. Union with a partner. Connection on conscious and subconscious level.5. Resourceful people, things, and events. "I-resource" and self-worth.6. The connection between space, time, and our consciousness.7. Emotionality and sensitivity as tools for achieving goals.8. Attention and perception as processes that build our reality.9. Structuring the inner space. Safe place.10. The mythology of strength and weakness.11. Finding cause-and-effect relationships in the present and correcting them.12. Flawlessness. Transforming the fear of death.13. Stopping the internal dialogue.14. Working with the past and future in the present.15. Worldview. Energy and information. Psychological protection.16. Working with the resource of space and time.17. Working with helpers and obstacles in the context of goals and tasks.18. Working with resourceful archetypes in the context of goals and tasks.19. Expanding the personal range of effective states.20. Point of view and "folding point." Personality flexibility.21. Responsibility and non-native programs of the subconscious.22. Turning intention into action.23. Rituals, their essence, and their role in initiating changes.




Misha Kostrov


Director, Psychotherapist, Acting Coach


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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do the classes take place?

    During each session, the instructor guides the group through an experiment involving perception, the body, physical space, and the realm of feelings. Participants gain a new, unique experience through the experiment and share their insights with the group.

  • Does the course require self-practice?

    Yes, you will receive homework after each session. Every meeting begins with a sharing session where students discuss their experiences of completing the assignments and receive feedback from the instructor.

  • Do I need any special abilities to participate in the course?

    The only ability you will need is a willingness to work hard and diligently, and to stay in contact with the group and the instructor.

  • Does this course teach magic? Is it Castaneda?

    No. It is behavioral psychology, self-training, expanding your range of perception, and working with limiting beliefs. It incorporates various techniques that help you break through habitual ways of thinking, gain new experiences, and become more successful.

Feedback from participants


Olia Korshak

Misha, thank you for this opportunity and for the incredible knowledge you've packed into this course. I've taken it twice, and each time is a new experience as I change, and the program evolves. It has opened up abilities I didn't even know I had. The course changed how I perceive the world and myself within it. I now get what I want, find it easier to communicate with people. I don’t scatter myself. I accumulate my energy for what I need. I find resources. I feel what's happening around me, the nature. I’ve let go of the unnecessary. It has impacted all aspects of my life. This course is for those who want to truly live their life, stay connected with the world, and gain real tools for life management.


Yaroslava Tkachova

If you're here and interested, my advice is simple: share your request with Misha and listen whether this course can help you solve it. Meanwhile, I'll share what I found captivating about this course. First, the teaching approach. This is not a course where you get some theory and a description of practice, and then you're left to your own means. It’s about how to apply it all to your real life. Practically every lesson began with feedback and analysis of participants’ questions and results. When you get personal analysis and one-on-one work, it’s a world apart from just receiving information. And it’s incredibly valuable. Listening to and understanding the analysis of other participants was also important to me, as they often dealt with the same challenges I faced or might face in the future—a sort of foresight. As for specific changes, it's hard to pinpoint because over the time of learning it has become so intertwined with me and my life that it’s no longer something external or separate. A deeper understanding of ongoing processes, awareness of how I influence my own and others' future, building a more adequate worldview, connecting with it all, exploring myself and my abilities, understanding the importance and enforcing of my physical and non-physical self, loads of practical skills—yes, all of this is part of the process. But, over this time, something much greater have appeared, which I can’t yet put into words but for which I am deeply grateful to you, Misha.


Halyna Tymchenko

For me, this course was a very enriching and valuable experience, and the thought "I can do anything" no longer seems unimaginable. I've significantly reduced my anxiety, worry less, and have gotten rid of many small, unresourceful habits that drained my energy. I've also realized that fear can be a valuable resource for me, I've become more attentive to it and found that it often hides wonderful opportunities if you examine it closely and view from other perspectives. In general, to me, this course is about self-unity, about meeting, sensitivity, its sides, and about trusting your own sensitivity, which benefits me immensely when I listen to it and stay connected with the world, the space, and MYSELF. I continue to process and unpack the insights I gathered, especially from the final session in the woods. It seems I've grown up during this course, feels like I've got a foundation, a sense of confidence. Thank you, Misha, for guiding us and sharing—it's truly valuable!


Darina Dorogan

I would say that this course is about connecting with the world. It's about learning to live a quality life in reality, shaping it consciously or flowing with the currents of the universe when needed. This course strips away the unnecessary layers and enhances awareness and personal power, accessible to any ordinary person. You will need to work on yourself, but over this year-long course, Misha provided such a vast array of practical tools and techniques which can be used in everyday life, that staying at the same level of development is simply impossible. The Sensorica course helped me find a path to myself, which grew from a barely visible trail to a beautiful, wide road. It feels like it's just the beginning, and there’s still much hard work to master on my own. But now, the path is illuminated, and there’s no turning away or losing it.


Vitalii Hrabets

The course is intriguing, making you ponder what is truly important and significant. It allowed me to discover many details about myself and others, reinforcing my belief in miracles and inspiring me towards self-realization. All those who feel like they feel life more deeply than others will definitely like it. I’m grateful for the content that encourages reflection, and sometimes even debates with oneself, the world, and close ones. Thank you!


Olga Lutskevych

This course has expanded my perception—allowing me to see more, feel more, understand more, and notice more. It also taught me how to have more influence—on myself and on the world around me. I realize how much more there is to explore and discover around me—it’s an endless journey of digging deeper and expanding outward. The course is about shaping your life, taking responsibility, and being careful with your wishes—because they all come true. There’s no turning back, even if you wish to get blind and simplify—it’s impossible. The questions and requests I have for myself and the world haven’t decreased in number. Instead, new, more complex and interesting have arisen. I look forward to Sensorica 2.0. Thank you, Misha Kostrov!


Dmitry Patoka

Этот курс может стать первым шагом к чему то совершенно новому. К совершенно другому качеству жизни и мировосприятию. Не важно кто ты и чем занимаешься . Если хочешь научиться управлять событиями ,строить свою жизнь , а не плыть в дырявой лодке без вёсел неизвестно куда, то этот курс для тебя. Это не голимый коучинг или мативационный лохотрон с банальными речёвками. Всё по честному ,всё работает. Отдельное спасибо Михаилу Кострову. Очень глубокий, яркий, интересный человек. Все занятия проходят на одном дыхании.
This course can be a first step towards something completely new—a different quality of life and perception of the world. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do. If you want to learn how to control events, build your life, rather than drift in a leaky boat with no paddles to a destination unknown, this course is for you. It’s not about flashy coaching or motivational gimmicks. It’s honest, and it works. Special thanks to Misha Kostrov—a profound, bright, and engaging individual. Every class flies by.


Lena Sirotenko

A very unusual and powerful course. I recommend it to anyone who wants to fill themselves with a spectrum of new feelings, improve the quality of their life, and view the world in a completely new way. Thank you, Misha Kostrov!


Anna Lekhman

Since early childhood, each of us encounters things that do not fit within the conventional perception of the world. Often, it’s society that limits our ability to see the world in its entirety, afraid of what is inconvenient to recognize. We block ourselves, closing such opportunities. These fears—fear of learning, fear of change, fear of adapting, of seeing more, of taking responsibility for one’s life—blur our perception. We often rationalize inexplicable and non-conventional things with socially acceptable phrases like "it was a coincidence" or "it was a fantasy" or "it was a glitch of a tired mind". The more we suppress these sensations that capture connections and intertwining flows of life and the reality, the more we confine ourselves to a tight suit that limits our potential. Epicurus saw intuition as a "leap of thought". “Only that which is observable or grasped through a leap of thought is true”, and “the main sign of perfect and complete knowledge is the ability to quickly make use of these leaps of thought”. How difficult it is, degree by degree, to expand our perception! Breaking established stereotypes and going against our own rules—sometimes it’s painful, even on a physical level. The course has greatly helped me, and although there is still much that remains beyond my grasp, I am working toward it. Thank you so much, Misha Kostrov, and I look forward to Sensorica 2.0!


Anna Karpenko

This is an amazing and powerful course! It presents profound concepts in a very accessible way. Finally, I’ve gained an understanding of chain architectonics to navigate the realization of intention, and the effective tools to manage my once impulsive and chaotic actions. For those who appreciate Castaneda, want to strengthen and protect their boundaries, understand themselves and the world more deeply, learn to communicate with the universe, and take responsibility for their life—this is a must-have experience! My deep gratitude goes to Misha, the experienced trainer and mentor of this unique course, the person who introduced me to a new way of interacting with others, listening to myself (to my wise body), becoming aware of reality, and understanding the world around me much, much deeper! Misha, THANK YOU. P.S. ...my respect for the phrase "What am I not seeing?"—it is truly brilliant in many unclear situations. :)


Анастасия Руденко

A deep and fascinating course about the quiet whisper of our inner voice, often drowned out by the outer life, and about the tools to hear and feel it. I was delighted to find a training that develops intuition and human sensitivity to the world on an the level of energies and senses, appearing not from one's mind's logic (and thus, the shortest path from the starting point to the goal). All of this is presented in an understandable language, with protocols. It was also great to meet so many nice people who seek self-discovery from this perspective. A wonderful and unobtrusive form of psychotherapy as well, one that doesn’t draw attention to itself but is highly effective. A truly intriguing and captivating training! If there’s a 2.0 version, I’ll definitely join.


Vlada Chetverikova

Thank you, Misha Kostrov! You helped me recover abilities I had forgotten and lost in my early childhood—to interact with the world in the way that I want. You helped me see the invisible. Now, when I face with difficult choices, I ask myself, "What am I not seeing?" You taught me and let me feel how to shape my reality instead of being shaped by circumstances and habits. You gave me the strength to overcome some past burdens and to act today in ways that create the future I desire. My life is no longer the same. The events that I’ve generated and that have started to unfold keep pleasantly surprising me. This course is a powerful tool for training willpower and intention. May the Force be with you, Misha!


Anna Klymenko

This course is unlike standard, mass-product personal development trainings. For me, it's about transformation at a deep level. I was lucky as it started at a time when I was genuinely ready to reconsider my views on the world and myself. What are these 10 sessions about? They are about establishing personal boundaries, the importance of understanding the flows, developing the skill of tracking yourself within them, and ways to switch into a positive flow. They cover gaining strength through acknowledging fears and working through negative situations of the past. It's about recognizing your resourceful belief system and letting go of limiting beliefs. It’s also about the limitless resources of the system, which we often fail to see or are afraid to accept. It’s about the absolute weight of words and taking full responsibility for our thoughts, words, and actions. It’s about understanding that the entire world is a projection of your creation. It’s about the power of intention and its ability to influence the shaping of the future. It’s about the ability to wait, seeing the entire chain of influencing factors and necessary people, and simply knowing that everything will happen to ensure that the goal is inevitably reached. It’s about the uncompromising ability to follow through on even the smallest tasks and the importance of this skill in building the future. And much more that cannot be summed up in a single post. The training format is unique: each session combines theory with practical exercises. Between sessions, there are homework tasks that reinforce the material covered and prepare you for the next step. “What am I not seeing?”—this is now my key question in situations where I used to give up or abandon my goal. Now I know that I can achieve any peak and know how to do it. Thank you, Teacher.


Kristina Ursylyak

This course taught me to see, hear, and trust. To see what is happening around me, to hear what is happening within, and to trust myself. What Misha teaches is simple and clear, but it’s during the course that a certain awareness of this knowledge emerges. I am very grateful to Misha for the personalized approach. The knowledge gained changes one's self-perception and outlook on life. Through the course, I understood what I am, what suits me, what interests me, and how to work with myself. By the end, there is a strong desire to continue developing and working on myself, but most importantly—comes the knowledge of where to find the resources for further growth. There is a great sense of calm within, a certain harmony with myself.


Timur Berezhnoy

This course greatly helped me understand my strengths and weaknesses, learn to feel what I need, and how to act in different situations, choose a profession, and shape the reality of my life. Misha is a strict teacher, but if you set aside your ego and really listen to what he is trying to convey, you will gain enormous benefits. I will actively apply the knowledge I’ve gained in my life! If you’re unsure about joining, just go for it! It’s absolutely worth it ;)

We would appreciate your feedback on the course!

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